Workshops & Seminars


workshops & seminars

From teaching employees the finer points of successful business writing to training senior administration how to handle the media,

Morris Public Relations offers numerous marketing, communications and public relations training opportunities for your organization.

Business Writing Workshops:
These workshops are tailored specifically to each client’s needs, with core presentations centering on such critical communications elements as: the power of using the right words, writing a persuasive sales letter, eliminating jargon, getting to the point with a call-to-action, using appropriate grammar without becoming an English major, avoiding the spell-check trap, and more.

Crisis Communications Training:
Let’s face it. If companies knew they were about to lock horns with a crisis, they would already be prepared. That unpredictable, slap-you-in-the-face event is why it’s called a crisis, but the good news is that you really can be ready to expect the unexpected. Crisis communications training helps prepare you for the unexpected should the unthinkable happen to you.

Media Spokesperson Training:
Dealing with the media can be an exhilarating experience – or a downright nightmare. You can’t control the media, but you can control how your company comes across to the public when the spotlight shines on you. Morris Public Relations teaches your corporate leaders and spokespeople how to represent your company with dignity and integrity while deftly communicating your key messages.

Effective News Writing:
You’re tapped for a guest-column feature and you’re more than moderately apprehensive about moving your brain-gems from head to keyboard. Maybe a news release must, must, must go out ASAP, but “For Immediate Release” is the only copy you have so far. Or perhaps AP Style is not your idea of best-friend material. Morris Public Relations teaches you to structure your thought process, develop core key messages, and confidently put fingers to keyboard to demonstrate news-savvy knowledge with clarity, expertise and reader-friendly style.

Creative Promotional & Sales Writing:
Direct mail, print ads, public service announcements, broadcast and online ads, newsletters, brochures, lead generators – the list goes on and on, their deadlines demand face time, and you’ve just left yet another fresh set of fingernail gashes on your desk’s weary surface. Let Morris Public Relations teach your team how to promote creative thought, build charisma into your collaterals, energize copy, and showcase your company’s products and services in a manner worthy of literary applause.

Motivating Employees as Corporate Ambassadors:
Nobody tells your story better than your own employees. Do you know what they’re saying? Some quick, easy, and yes – downright fun – training can empower your entire workforce to be your best advertisement out there. Morris Public Relations teaches simple, effective, motivational methods to help your associates tell your story…exactly like you want it told.

Organize and Prioritize Your Business Life:
No doubt you’ve seen those shape-’em-up shows bent on coaxing harried families into cleaning up, organizing and prioritizing. Organizing your business life drives on a nearly identical highway. Not sure how? Morris Public Relations helps you assess your goals, prioritize your deliverables, and establish a tactical roadmap to keep your office, associates or entire organization cruising efficiently and productively.